Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Chick Update!

We are up to 11 chicks!! I am going to start another incubation of dominiquers and Ameraucanas.

Check out these links to our youtube account with videos of a hatching chick and candling eggs:

Also, Here are some close-ups... The chicks were absolutely loving the attention! Well, some more than others anyway. You know, some of them just wanted to sleep. They do that a lot. Just fall asleep at weird times. But they're babies so I reckon that's what babies do. Anywho, I bet you want to see some pics... so I am going to stop rambling on about what goes through my mind.

Look at those wing feathers coming in! This little guy hatched out Feb. 14th... along with most of the others
The one on the far left is my little banty. So sweet and little.

More of that sleeping I was talking about. I'm tellin ya, it comes unannounced.

Uno, Dos, Tres, Quotro! 

That's all for now f-f-f-f-folksss.

Anna .V.

1 comment:

  1. their so cute... love the videos too... good job with the chickens Anna =)
